Thai Red Curry

If you’re into ethnic food, chances are you have dabbled in curries. One of my favorites is Thai curries. After probably spending hundreds of dollars at restaurants, we were sent home a to-go order in a box that had the name of their curry on it! Yes, we were disappointed it was not ‘house made’ but at the same time we thought “Well, heck! Let’s make it at home!” So we did. The curry can be found at the local Asian market and costs a little over $1. Insane. The brand that we get is called Maesri. We’ve tried the Red, Green, Panang, and Masaman curries. They’re all good. Do yourself a favor, though. Make sure you taste test it before throwing the whole can into the pot! Some flavors are HOT! I typically only use 2-3 Tbs of the stuff and that’s getting up there in the spice department. Note that because some curries can be excessively spicy, you may have to add less and make up for flavor by adding other ingredients. Sometimes I add Fish Sauce, Tom Yum paste (citrusy chili paste), Sriarcha, etc.

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Slow Cooker Spiced Brisket with Vegetables

My husband and his paternal side of the family were raised Jewish. While we are not practicing the religion, we still like to acknowledge and teach our children about the holidays and traditions. This week is Passover and we wanted to have a special meal to celebrate. The star of the show this time was the Kosher Beef Brisket we got from Trader Joe’s. (I promise I’m not endorsed by Trader Joe’s, I just like it that much. I shop there all the time!)

I found a recipe online that I thought sounded very interesting. It uses a blend of spices I would never have thought would go so well with beef, but it works! The original recipe can be found here. There’s cinnamon, ground ginger, ground cloves, mustard powder, brown sugar, salt and pepper in the rub. At first, I’ll admit that I was unsure as it smelled a lot more like a Christmas Ham than a Passover Brisket.  But, after 8 hours in the crockpot, the flavors really came together and it was great.

Kosher Beef Brisket with Spice Rub

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Pho Bo – Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup

Oh boy! Oh boy! What better way to wrap up an amazing anniversary weekend than making a big pot of soup and watching the season premieres of some of your favorite TV shows?! I think that big pot of soup being a big pot of Pho Bo is the answer.

My husband has been obsessed with pho for some time now. I was on the fence until we finally bit the bullet and made it at home. Now, I’m obsessed. I don’t know why the restaurant version didn’t do it for me at first, because I like it now. I think it’s just an acquired taste and that first homemade batch was the push I needed to finally appreciate the magic of the pho. It’s delicious, interesting and you actually feel good after you eat it. Obsessed.

Alright, so making pho is definitely a labor of love. It can be expensive to procure all of the ingredients and it takes forever. But note, some of these ingredients you will buy once and they will last you a long time.

My recipe today makes a TON of broth so make sure you take note and half or quarter the recipe to fit your needs. Today I’m using my 20 quart pot that I use for canning. We like to make a ton because it takes so long to make and you can freeze the broth for later. This will make about 6-8 servings, plus about… servings of frozen broth.

Lots of ingredients= Lots of flavor

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